Tuesday, 04 Mar, 2025




What Makes Audience to Watch Bollywood Films in India: An Empirical Study

International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Frince Thomas Chemmanoor, Falguni H. Pandya | Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty, MBA Dept, Center for Mgt Studies Dharmsinh Desai University Nadiad, Gujarat, India
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The present paper intends to study how to increase box-office collection by producing audience centric film. Objectives: To investigate and examine what audience likes to see in films. The paper has used descriptive research design because it intends to investigative questions and results to discovery of association among variables. Data are collected from 1165 respondents of different age groups, education, income background, and locality through structured questionnaire-cum-interview method. A questionnaire is constructed using Likert scale and administered using convenience sampling approach. Data are analysed using the SPSS 17 software. Future research can be conducted for further improvements in measuring techniques and also by adding more volleys of questions. Even in the case of set of influences, they might well differ in other countries or at other times. In sum, all the caveat and limitations just enumerated a need for support in future investigations for using data in multiple time periods, in multiple countries, and with multiple viewers. Future researches can address the generalisability of our findings across time periods and geographical settings. This paper adds historical and theoretical depth for debate to attitude of audience to watch Bollywood films in respect to characters, likings, and theme of films. The attitude of audience of watching Bollywood films is not an actively researched topic in India. The study therefore contributes toward better understanding to many stakeholders of films while it is being produced. The findings can provide some relevant scope for directors and marketers of Bollywood movies.

Keywords: Film, Attitude, Box-office, Audience

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