Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




A study on impact of behavioral well being on organization commitment of employees

International Journal of Management Prudence

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: Vijit Chaturvedi, D.S Yadav
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The present paper aims at bringing in light the mutual relationship between behavioral well being and organization commitment of employees. The study aims to focus on specific dimensions of behavioral well being which help in enhancing commitment in employees among employees in service industry. The sample consisted of 150 employees from various randomly chosen industries. The results from correlation , stepwise regression and Leven’s test reveal that there is a significant positive impact of behavioral well being on organization commitment of employees. The findings suggest that when properly planned behavioral well being can act as an effective tool for organization effectiveness by enhancing commitment among employees. Key words: Organization commitment, behavioral well being, job satisfaction, organization effectiveness.

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