Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




A Study on Issues related to Housing Finance: An Experience with State Bank of India

International Journal of Management Prudence

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: T.Mamata, D. Pradeep Kumar
Locked Subscribed Available for All


Home is a dream of a person that shows the quantity of efforts, sacrifices luxuries and above all gathering funds little by little to afford ones dream. Home is one of the things that everyone wants to own. Home is a shelter to person where he rests and feels comfortable. Many banks are providing home loans, whether commercial banks or financial institutions, to the people who want to have a home. Many banks are providing home loans at cheapest rate to attract consumers towards them. The attitude of these banks is becoming more customer friendly, currently offering to consumers cheapest loan over homes. This paper highlights certain concern areas of the banker and the customers in specific to the SBI Bank in housing finance in comparison with the other competitors in the housing industry and also focuses on the recovery system followed by SBI with the following objectives. Keywords: Issues concerning Home loans, Recovery system of housing finance in SBI, Competitors in housing finance.

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