Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




A Study on Population Growth and Economic Development with Special Reference to India

International Journal of Management Prudence

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: D.D. Bedia, Rajesh Gupta | Author(s) Affiliation: D.D. Bedia is Director at JNIBM, Ujjain; Rajesh Gupta is Scholar at Ujjain Univ.
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Population Growth and economic development are correlated factors, in the last 30 years population of world has doubled in the same manner per capita income, living standard of people and urbanisation, and technology progress also increase in the same pace. Population has positive as well as negative impact on the economic growth of a country it is totally based on the country that how they use that population as advantageous or non advantageous factor. China has the highest population all over the world but its economic growth rate is also well balanced because they use population as human resource which is very useful for them, while with the population growth different problems i.e. unemployment, food, land shortage problems are also faced by country so population has two sided coin which may have positive as well as negative side. Technology up gradation, in both agricultural as well as industrial area, has been more rapid than any other time in history. Research in medicine provide different solution or treatment for different deadly disease i.e. Cancer, tuberculosis etc. due to treatments the death rate has declined while birth rate increased because in past time many babies have died due to lack of proper treatment in infant stage. Developing countries as India, population is treated as the problem because due to high growth rate of population burden on natural resources increase. It is well known concept that natural resources as water, land, minerals etc. are limited in nature when population increase in rapid growth rate than the balance between population growth rate and renewable of natural resources rate get imbalanced and may cause different natural disaster. Economists mainly focus on different factor of population, which is related to growth rate of economic development. One most important factor which has impact on the economic development is Age Structure. Age structure is directly related to the working age population which is basis of economic development of any country. Working age population use as the human resource which is one of the M in most five M of economic development (Men, Money, Material, Machine and Method). So in this paper we mainly focus on the age Structure and working age population in India and how they can be used as a resource for economic development.

Keywords: Population Growth, Age Structure, Demographic Dividend, Working Age Population

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