A Study on the Awareness level of the Farmers Towards Green Marketing
Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: H.S.Cheema, M. Gowri Shankar
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In the present competitive scenario, most of
the companies were shifting their focus from
producing traditional products to green products.
The concept of green marketing has been widely
practised in automobiles, batteries, refrigerators,
microwave ovens, air-conditioners, soaps
&detergents, paints, computers, energy-saving lights,
real estate, pesticides and even at the work places of
various organizations. Since agriculture is one of the
backbone of the Indian economy, the agricultural
output also depends on the type of fertilizers used.
The fertilizers manufactured by the company should
be eco-friendly when they were used by the farmers,
it should not affect the crop production. The objective
of this article is to spread the focus on the
marketability of the green fertilizers which are
environment friendly or eco-friendly and to know
the factors influencing the green marketing through
understanding their level of awareness from the
farmers. This study helps not only in understanding
their level of awareness but also in creating the
awareness among the farmers for creating sustainable
green marketing which is an essential ingredient to
the Indian Agricultural system.
Keywords : Green Marketing, Eco-friendly,
Sustainable Green Marketing
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