Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




An Empirical Study on Employees Acuity towards Organisational Change at BHEL, Madhya Pradesh

International Journal of Management Prudence

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Anil Mishra | Author(s) Affiliation: Asst. Prof., Dept.of Mgt.Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India
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When change occurs in any part of the organization, it disturbs the old equilibrium necessitating the development of a new equilibrium. The type of equilibrium depends on the degree of change and its impact on the organization. A study on attitudes of employees towards organizational change at B.H.E.L. M.P. was conducted to study the perception of the employees on change situations, to study the level of acceptance of new roles and responsibilities by the employees, to assess the level of technological changes introduced and employees perception towards it. The descriptive-cum-diagnostic study has been adopted for the study. The universe of the study included 245 respondents. Random sampling method was applied with the sample of 50 respondents. Both primary and secondary data for the study were collected. The primary data collected was with the help of the questionnaire and the secondary data was collected from the books, journals, magazines and from unpublished dissertations. To analyze the data the statistical tools like Chi-Square test ? and Karl Pearsons correlation co-efficient were used. It was found from the study that there was no significant association between educational qualification of the respondents and the dimensions of organizational change. The respondents professional training and the trade union membership did not have a significant association with organizational change. As change is inevitable and attitudes are important in determining the response to change and employees perception about the likely impact of change depends upon his attitudes, the study can be done to any type of organization to understand the attitudes and perception of employees towards change.

Keywords: Technology, Introduction of New Systems, Increased Level of Responsibility, Changes in Duties, Increased Level of Work, Attitudes towards Change

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