Human Resource Accounting in India: An Overview
Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Brajesh Kumar Tiwari |
Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur (C.G)
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Human beings are the most valuable
resource. Employees are the greatest asset of an
organization and the success or failure depends on
the skill and the performance of the employees.
Almost all the large sized organizations have a
separate HRD Department. Human Resource
Accounting is a process of identifying and measuring
data about humans resource and communicating this
information to the interested parties. HRA helps the
management in taking managerial decision relating
to selection, lay-off, transfers, training, promotion etc.
Attempts to account the HR are not new. It
was Rensis Likert who initiated research into HR
accounting in the sixties and in organizations starting
with the Milwanke Braves USA (1963), which was
the first organization to experiment with the concept
of HRA, by treating its investments in future team
development as an asset to be capitalized and
amortised over its expected useful life rather than as
an expense in the period incurred. The concept of
recognizing human being as an asset is an old one in
India. Akbar gave importance to the nine jewels
(courtiers). The names of freedom fighters like
Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru cannot be forgotten
in the history of freedom movement of India but no
one made efforts to assign any monetary value to
such individuals in the balance sheet of the nation.
Indian Companies Act, 1956 does not provide any
scope for furnishing any significant information about
human resources in financial statement but a growing
trend towards the measurement and reporting of
human assets, some companies in public and private
Keywords: N.A.
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