Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




Implementation of Status Register with UART by VHDL

International Journal of Management Prudence

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Neeta Choubey, H.R. Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: 1- Student, Oriental University, Indore, M.P; 2-Principal, Oriental University, Indore, M.P.
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In parallel communication the cost as well as complexity of the system increases due to simultaneous transmission of data bits on multiple wires. Serial communication alleviates this drawback and emerges as effective candidate in many applications for long distance communication as it reduces the signal distortion because of its simple structure. This paper focuses on the VHDL implementation of UART with status register which supports asynchronous serial communication. The paper presents the architecture of UART which indicates, during reception of data, parity error, framing error, overrun error and break error using status register. The whole design is functionally verified using Xilinx ISE Simulator.

Keywords: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter, Status Register, VHDL Implementation, ISE Simulator, Asynchronous Serial Communication

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