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Study of Organizational Culture of a Telecom Company

International Journal of Management Prudence

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Lavina Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, Magadh University, Bodhgaya
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One of the most important building blocks for a highly successful organization and an extraordinary workplace is - Organizational culture. Every organization has its own culture. Since many employees spend 8-10 hours daily at their workplace, their organizations culture obviously affects both their work lives as well as their personal lives. Organizational culture refers to the beliefs, ideologies, principles and values that the individuals of an organization share. The main objective of the present research was to understand the culture of present telecom company at Bhopal branch. The primary data has been collected from 30 employees through the instrument of organizational culture developed by Reddy. The collected data has been analyzed by using mean as a tool for analysis. The mean for dependency norm and norm for power-orientedness have come out to be high while for other norms it was moderate. It shows that the employees of organization under study have very high dependency on their superior and power is not equally distributed in the organization. On the basis of the findings It can be concluded that, culture followed in this organization is more formalized and structured, based on rules and policies and gives moderate level of flexibility, for innovation and development. So it has been recommended to company to create such a culture where employees can grow and develop more and can be risk taker. Also it has been recommended to company to reduce the dependency norms so that employees can take their own decision for day to day tasks.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Culture Types, Culture Models, Dependency norms, Powerorientedness norms, Bureaurocratic norms, Closesupervision norms, Centralized risk taking norms.

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