The developed nation’s currency rate fluctuations on us doller - An impact study for the period 2004-2009
Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Amarjeet S Khalsa
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If the exchange rate of the currency of a
nation is lower in the international market, then the
prices of the export products of that nation will be
cheaper. By the law of the propensity of price
leverage acting on the demand and supply in the
market, the lower currency rate nation gets an
advantage to boost their exports. But the increased
demand for export will be offset if the quality,
longevity, utility value and after sales infrastructure
(wherever applicable) are not good.
The present paper is carried out to answer
this. Through this paper an attempt is made to study
the association ship between the Dollar, Euro, Yuan
and Yen. The reason for selecting the Euro Yuan and
Yen has been that they are currencies of developed
nation. There is huge trading between the nations
therefore the exchange rate also fluctuate accordingly
depending on the export and import of the respective
countries. In this project various statistical tools are
applied so that this relationship can be statistically
examine to find out the connection between them.
The research further observes the degree of their
impact so as to find out highly impacting currency.
The research would help in identifying the currency which leads to maximum affect on U.S.DOLLAR
so that one can know which currency to follow in order to observe change in U.S.DOLLAR
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