Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




Application Device Prototype with Global System for Mobile (GSM) Unit and Arduino

International Journal of Research in Signal Processing, Computing & Communication System Design

Volume 4 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Nandini Nandaluru and Mudhir eddy Sreenivasulu Reddy | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Dept. of ECE, Sri Sai Inst. of Tech. & Scie., Kasba Gollapalli, Andhra Pradesh, India
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The growth of remote controller technology has grown-up rapidly down with the development of communication technology nowadays. The simplest communication technology available is by using Global System for Mobile (GSM) protocol. In this paper, a prototype of electronic application controller tool via SMS by using Global System for Mobile (GSM) is proposed. Global System for Mobile (GSM) protocol was selected because it does not depend on mobile devices’ platform. Global System for Mobile (GSM) SIM 900 and Arduino for controlling a relay unit were utilized here. Relay share worked in agreement with instructions given through SMS and the mobile tool then received the feedback of the command. For annoying drive, ten (10) different types of input thread as a knowledge controller was proceed. Relay effort according to tips directed from the say string submitted and information messages from the command given before was provided.

Keywords: Arduino, Electronical applications controller, Global System for Mobile (GSM) unit, SMS.

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