Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




Modified Genetic Algorithm for Channel Allocation Problem

International Journal of Research in Signal Processing, Computing & Communication System Design

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: S.L.V.S. Jyothi, P. Rajesh Kumar, S.Sri Gowri | Author(s) Affiliation:
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As the available frequency spectrum is limited and as the number of radio frequency users has increased exponentially, the problem of channel allocation has emerged to be an important challenge in wireless communications. Various channel allocation strategies have been conceived to thwart the co-channel and adjacent channel interferences. Genetic algorithms have been already used to handle the Channel Assignment Problem (CAP). A modified version of a genetic algorithm is proposed in this article by adding an extra parameter like dynamic population size, aging factor for both fixed channel allocation as well as a dynamic channel allocation. The simulation results corroborate the fact that the modified genetic algorithm is more effective even in terms of the cost function.

Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Dynamic Population Size, Aging Factor, Channel Assignment, Wireless Network

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