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Skimpy Wash Financing in Bangladesh: Overall Trend and Regional Disparities

Indian Journal of Sustainable Development

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Mohommod Lutful Kabir | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Fellow, School of Environmental Management, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
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The access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services is one of our basic needs without which no human being can service, let alone lead a decent life. Therefore, promotion of water and sanitation services are placed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) taken by UN for an extended period from 2016-2030. In line with this goal, the governments of developing countries are increasing their budget allocation to attain this decent living target. However, allocations are, in many cases, inadequate and skewed among different geographic regions. Further, due to an absence of separate ministry or authority to manage this important, but often neglected function of governments, allocations are disguised under other heads of allocations made for different ministries and make the assessment of allocation even more difficult. In the context of WASH sector in Bangladesh, the objective of this paper is thus to demonstrate an effective methodology to capture WASH data at national and district level, to make such assessment possible. Data on WASH allocation was compiled from national budget statements, relevant inter-ministerial reports, and other local government offices related to WASH. Ambiguity on data was further clarified through interviews with concerned government officials from different ministries and local government offices. Analyzing WASH budget allocation for a period of six years under this framework, this paper indicates that WASH allocation in Bangladesh remains inadequate and highly inequitable to attain SDG.

Keywords: SDG, WASH, Development Budget

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