Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




The Impact of Pharmaceuticals Waste on Environment in India

Indian Journal of Sustainable Development

Volume 10 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Rashmi Zalpuri, Vishal Kamra, Swati Gupta, Aarti Garg | Author(s) Affiliation: Tephra Bioscience LLP, India.
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Pharmaceutical waste is a major contributor to the destruction of the environment to a certain extent. Prior to commercialisation and distribution, most medications are studied for human safety and efficacy, but their possible detrimental effects on the environment have not been determined. Pharmaceutical chemicals such as analgesics, antidepressants, antihypertensive, contraceptives, antibiotics, steroids, and hormones have been found in ground water, home waste water, and industrial effluents at various amounts. Untreated or partially treated wastes are discharged or discarded directly into the environment due to a lack of stringent controls. As a result, proper legislation and monitoring are required to prevent pharmaceutical effluents from entering drinking water sources, thereby protecting the environment from health risks. This document gives an overview of the various routes by which medicines enter the environment. It also gives an update on current legislation and penalties for improper pharmaceutical disposal, as well as the consequences for human health.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical Waste, Drug Disposal, Unused Medicines, Environmental Pollution, Impact of Pharma Waste

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