An Uml Based Safety Analysis for Safe Software
Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Bandaru Esther Sunanda |
Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
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Software safety involves with the assurance that
software will execute within a system context without
resulting in unacceptable risk. The Safety-Critical
Systems have become more prominent as there are
being used in medical field and for monitoring purpose.
To improve the effectiveness of the electronics
systems embedded computer systems are used which
includes the safety-critical software. While controlling
the embedded computer systems with the software
failures may occur. Due to the advances in the
technologies and the usage of embedded computer
systems the complexity may increase leading to risks.
This paper aims at the description of the already the
existing methods and metrics used for analysis of
the developed embedded system and analyse its
failures.An application called the Railroad Crossing
Control System (RCCS) is used and UML is used as a
technique to identify the hazards and they are rectified
using UML diagrams with the safety issues.
Keywords: Safety-Critical Systems, RCCS, FMEA, UML
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