Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Employee Involvement as a Tool for Increasing Job Satisfaction in Hotel Industry-An Empirical Study

International Journal of Tourism and Travel

Volume 7 Issue 1/2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Shunali, Manik Arora, Suvidha Khanna | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, School of Hospitality and Tourism Mgt, Univ.of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India
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The present paper is an attempt to explore how employee involvement can be used as a tool for increasing job satisfaction in the hotel industry. The data is collected through a self administered questionnaire. The total calculated sample size is 136 out of which 82 responses were usable. The data is collected from the A & B category hotels (Categorized by Department of Tourism J&K) of Jammu. The major finding in this research is that employee involvement is positively linked to job satisfaction. But, since the percentage of impact of employee involvement on job satisfaction is low, there may be other factors that affect the job satisfaction more significantly. The managerial contribution of this study will help to create awareness among hotel employers, that management should respect the views of the employees within the organization and employees should be consulted before setting policies, rules and long term goals and objectives setting. The paper is especially valuable to the HR of the different hotels who face problems in retaining the work brigade, as the study provide an insight on the impact of employee involvement in organisation and its effect on overall job satisfaction.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Employee Involvement, Hotels etc.

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