Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Rural Tourism in India: Relevance, Prospects and Promotional Strategies

International Journal of Tourism and Travel

Volume 9 Issue 1 & 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Shikha Kapur | Author(s) Affiliation: Senior Asst Prof, Dept of Adult & Continuing Education & Extn, Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi,India
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Atithi Devo Bhavah is the adage used by the India tourism to lure millions of Tourists from across the globe. Indian villages are unique socio-cultural spaces that vary from one after another but are intertwined on the ethos of this great tradition. Rural Tourism takes place in non-urban settings usually in countryside, offering an elixir to counter tension and urbanization syndrome to the weary, stressed out tourists from both within as well as foreign countries to help them relax and rediscover their roots. Since nearly 70% of the India’s population is living in rural areas, it is expected to benefit the local rural communities economically through various opportunities for rural enterprises, income generation and employment. It helps in nurturing rural arts and crafts, rural infrastructure development while simultaneously preserving environment and cultural heritage.

Keywords: Rural Tourism, Tourism in India, Tourists, Incredible India, Ministry of Tourism, Rural Enterprise

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