Sunday, 02 Feb, 2025




Capabilities and Entreprenuerial Behaviour of Employees in Nigerian Beverage Industry

Journal of IMS Group

Volume 12 Issue 1

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Adewoye Jonathan Oyerinde, Adebayo Timothy Abiodun, Oyedokun Akintunde Jonathan | Author(s) Affiliation: Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, Oyo - State, Nigeria
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The relationship between capabilities and the entrepreneurial behavior of employees in the Nigeria beverage industry was examined to determine if individual are at the heart of corporate entrepreneurship in the beverage industry. Eight hypothesis were advanced in the study to capture the relationship between each identified capabilities and the innovative and risk taking attitudes of entrepreneurial behavior of the employees. Structural equation model was deployed to analyze the data collected for the study because of its ability to validate propounded theory and show the multiple relationship among construct following their reliability and validation. The confirmatory factor analysis model displayed good fit following the assessment by three indices - absolute, incremental, parsimony. The result confirmed the test that individual are at the heart of corporate entrepreneurship in the beverage industry and all capabilities are found to have influenced the entrepreneurial behavior of firms while learning and networking capabilities recorded the highest influence on entrepreneurial behavior. Managers were therefore recommended to identify and promote capabilities that can stimulate entrepreneurial behavior of employees. Risk taking behavior of employees should also be properly managed to avoid demoralization of employees.

Keywords: Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Relationship

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