Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Employee Engagement: A Study of Its Antecedents and Consequences

Journal of IMS Group

Volume 11 Issue 2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Kranti Walia | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Prof. Dept. of Business Administration National Inst. of Tech., Kurukshetra,Haryana, India
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Employee engagement is an attitude of an employee towards his organization. It states that how much an individual values his organization by being satisfied and committed towards it. It is becoming very popular in the workplace as it tells that how much an individual is psychologically involved and present in his organizational role. The present study explored the relationship between variety of antecedents as well as consequences of employee engagement. The survey included measures of employee engagement as well as the antecedents and consequences of engagement gathered through extensive literature review. Sample for the present study consists of 120 professionals from IT companies of Haryana and NCR region. The findings showed that various antecedents of engagement like Job characteristics, Rewards and recognition, Perceived organizational and supervisor support, Perception of procedural and distributive justice have a positive relationship with employee engagement. Various consequences of engagement like Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment and OCB were also found to be positively related with engagement and there was a negative relationship between employee engagement and intention to quit.

Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Commitment, Employee Engagement

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