Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Recruitment Process Outsourcing Model- Next Level Solution for Recruitment Challenges with Specific Reference to Pharmaceutical Industry

Journal of IMS Group

Volume 10 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Sunita Tank, D.D.Chaturvedi | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Since the days of Industrial Revolution, companies have always struggled to increase their market share and profits above their market competitors. Talent Management is must to achieve a niche is such dynamic global environment for business to earn such growth and profits. Recruitment and its challenges form a major part of talent management process. Many times company does not have resources to increase their scalability to adapt with ad hoc large volumes of recruitment or to address serious issues like attrition, effective profile mapping, compensation management, cost cutting etc which makes the task of recruitment function further more difficult. Therefore all such challenges needs an effective recruitment model where the quality of recruitment function improves with an impact on recruitment metrics of an organization. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Model is one such effective recruitment model which reduces employers recruitment costs with a flexible pay for performance facility that deploys recruitment more efficiently when undertaking volume recruitment project or when an organization wants to control attrition and retain talent in cost effective manner. RPO Model offers the entire gamut of tasks performed under recruitment function from finding the candidate to hiring a new employee, which includes sourcing, screening, testing, interviewing, background checks and drug testing, hiring, coordinating the offer letter, on- boarding, maintaining applicant tracking logs, requisition, and candidate files, reporting, and training etc to its client In this direction, this paper is an effort to highlight the recruitment challenges faced by HR professionals especially in pharmaceutical industry. Further it has showcased how Recruitment Process Outsourcing Model is an effective solution for the recruitment challenges in the said industry.

Keywords: Recruitment Challenges, Human Resource Outsourcing, Talent Management, Attrition, Pharmaceutical Industry

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