Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Study of Correlation of Spiritual Intelligence with Resilience, Adjustment and General Health of Divorced or Separated or Widowed Women

Journal of IMS Group

Volume 16 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Richa Kathuria | Author(s) Affiliation: Ph.D. Scholar SBPPSE, Ambedkar University, Delhi
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Divorce is a phenomenon which undoubtedly breaks a family. As per a survey, percentage of divorces is increasing from past few decades in India. Delhi is considered to be the divorce capital of India.There are many emotional, psychological, financial, social and many a times physical hardships which they face due to divorce. Most effecting is financial problems.Almost no research has been done on connection of spiritual intelligence to divorced women, their adjustment, resilience and general health post-divorce in India, so unique in that respect. This study seeks to address this gap in the literature through a study designed for finding out correlation of Spiritual Intelligence to the lives of Divorced/Separated/Widowed Women in India.Mixed method is used, i.e.descriptive corelational surveystudy with few interviews. The survey has been done on 21 participants from urban Delhi-ncr area. In the results, there is a clear and strong positive correlation between SI, resilience and adjustment in life. Also interviews with the participants have thrown light that women have become more spiritual after the tragic event in their lives. The study has implications for social workers and organizations alike to support these women in form of enhancing their SI.

Keywords: Divorced, Separated, Widowed, Women, Spiritual Intelligence, Resilience, General Health, Adjustment.

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