Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




The Impact and Challenges of Mobile Money Transfer Services in Ghanaian Telecom Industries

Journal of IMS Group

Volume 10 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Gajendra Singh, Kankam Boa Essilfie, Jarikre Amos Oghenegweke | Author(s) Affiliation: SMU Ghana, West Africa
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The use of Mobile devices has gone past for making calls and receiving SMS. Individual can now transfer money, pay bills and undergo any e-transaction using their mobile devices with the help of telecom Network Service providers. This paper identifies the impact and some challenges that are currently facing mobile money service transaction in Ghanaian Telecom Industries by subscribers. Looking at the use of mobile money services transaction in Ghana, all telecom networks are currently running a service where customers can only send and receive transaction on their platform. This study tends to develop a platform where these network providers can extend their services to other network users. Findings suggest that the use of a single platform for mobile money service transaction will bring greater collaboration between telecom service providers and easy transaction between users. The findings imply that all telecom network should be on a single platform where customers can send and receive money using their mobile money transact services from one network to another.

Keywords: E-commerce, Mobile Money, Telecom Industries

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