Published: 2009
Author(s) Name: Aruna Tripathy, Sant Saran Pathak and Saswat Chakrabarti
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Turbo equalization (TEQ) is a base band signal processing technique that attempts reliable detection of data
in a coded data transmission system subject to intersymbol interference (ISI) and additive white Gaussian noise
(AWGN). The application of the turbo principle to equalization and decoding is called TEQ. The basic
transmission system is a typical serial concatenated system (SCS). An SCS consists of two forward error
correcting (FEC) encoders connected by means of a suitable interleaver. The outer FEC produces coded bits
in response to the input data bits. The coded bits are interleaved so as to make them statistically independent.
The interleaver is an essential component in a generic turbo receiver. The interleaved data feed a second stage
called the inner encoder. The ISI channel serves as the inner encoder in the present work. It is viewed as
applying redundancy on the interleaved data bits in the form of a linear convolution. The corresponding receiver
consists of an equalizer and decoder connected by the deinterleaver. Both the equalizer and the decoder are
configured as soft-in soft-out (SISO) signal processors. The equalizer takes as input the matched filter outputs
and another information called extrinsic information provided by the decoder. The output of the equalizer is soft
in nature as it is a ratio of two probabilities when binary phase shift keying is applied as the modulation
technique. The equalizer is a trellis matched to that of the ISI channel. This is possible when we consider an
ISI channel a finite state machine (FSM). The soft outputs are generated by the equalizer in terms of the loglikelihood
ratio (LLR) on all the coded bits. These soft outputs serve as a priori to the FEC decoder, after suitable
deinterleaving. The soft data estimates are computed by performing an ensemble average on the decoder soft
outputs. The flow of extrinsic information between the equalizer and the decoder through interleaver and
deinterleaver constitutes one iteration. These iterations are carried out for a predetermined number or
convergence. The trellis based equalizer needs knowledge of the channel taps in order to compute the branch
metrics and the transition probability. The literature on TEQ report the performance of the turbo equalizers for
perfect channel estimates. However, in a practical scenario, the receiver needs to estimate the channel taps using
some algorithm. We use a Kalman filter (KF) in a decision directed (DD) mode to estimate the channel and
use these estimates subsequently to feed the trellis based equalizer. This receiver operates in a DD
configuration due to the fact that, the data estimates formed at the decoder output serve as the training bits for
the KF. When the TEQ is converging, the decoder produces more reliable data estimates that tend to approach
their true values. The improvement in the data estimates improves the channel estimates by reducing the
variance and the Kalman loop gain. The training data is treated as a stochastic signal that consists of a
deterministic component and the random component. As the TEQ progresses with higher iterations, the random
component is also reduced and this results in improved bit error rate (BER) at the decoder output.
Keywords: Turbo, LLR, KF, DD, Soft Data Estimate
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