Eddy Current Loss in Ferromagnetic Plates of Finite Thickness, Subjected to Two Boundary Conditions of Magnetic Field at the Surface Created by Alternating Magnetizing Field/Flux
Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: Ganga Agnihotri and Late R.K. Khare
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The paper presents normalized eddy current loss curve for ferromagnetic plates of finite thickness, giving
variation of normalized loss, denoted as (loss factor)L with plate relative thickness, d/dL where d represents plate
half thickness and dL signifies depth of penetration used under limiting nonlinear theory.
Graphical solution approach, ignoring the effect of harmonics of field quantities has been used to solve Maxwell’s
field equation for thin iron plates subjected to sinusoidal magnetizing force at the surface, commonly denoted
as SHS condition. Step function B1-H approximate has been used for the magnetic characteristic of the plate
material; and the result of graphical solution represented in the form of normalized eddy current loss and power
factor curves. The appended eddy current loss curve has been shown useful for predicting eddy current loss
in thin iron plates of varied electrical and magnetic properties, subjected to SHS condition. The result of the
predicted values of eddy current loss have been compared with the corresponding test results for core losses
and the two results are shown to be in close agreement within engineering accuracy for plates with relative plate
thickness ³ 0.40.
The application of the normalized eddy current loss has been attempted for predicting eddy current loss in thin
iron plates subjected to the other boundary condition of the magnetic field at the surface, that is, sinusoidal
current density at the surface, denoted as SJS condition and the results obtained have been compared with
the corresponding test results for core losses. Surprisingly it has been found that the two results agree with each
other within ± 14 percent for much thinner plates with relative plate thickness ³ 0.28.
As such, the core losses in thin as well as thick iron plates subjected to two boundary conditions of magnetic
field at the surface, namely, SHS and SJS can be assessed in the design office from the normalized eddy
current loss which embodies frequency, resistivity, surface magnetizing force, Hs, saturation flux-density, Bs and
plate half thickness. The power factor curve, appended can be utilized for calculating the power factor of the
exciting winding circuit reflected by the magnetic circuit.
Keywords: Normalized eddy current, Loss curve for ferromagnetic plates, Harmonics, SHS conditions.
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