Enhancing Electricity Generation in MFC by Increasing Surface of Proton Transmission and Aeration
Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Pravin Chavan, Manish Pawar, Vinod Pakhale |
Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Microbial fuel cell is a device which converts
chemical energy of a substrate directly into electricity by biological action of micro-organism in absence of air. Three chambered Microbial Fuel Cell tested under batch mode with an aeration provided to cathode chamber and little amount of HCl added to cathode chamber. Two cathode chamber dipped in single anode chamber increases the voltage and power density output at stable stage from 0.42-0.51V and 23.6-30.9mW/m2. When air was forced to cathode chamber (with small amount of HCl added in cathode chamber liquid) voltage and power density output modify from 0.51-.54V and 30.9-32.7mW/m2. At the end of experiment, the COD of waste water were measured. Enhancement in electricity generation by enlarging membrane surface and aeration were shown from the result.
Keywords: Microbial Fuel Cell, Aeration, Biological Action
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