Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




A Hybrid Approach to Identify and Prioritize Success Factors for Business Analytics Outsourcing

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Pranav Kudesia and Asif Akhtar | Author(s) Affiliation: Growth & Strategy Manager, Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
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Outsourcing industry is going through its next wave of change. While the first two waves were driven by contact centers and software development, the third wave of outsourcing will be driven by business analytics services. Organizations across the globe are looking to generate insights from their customer and operational data. These organizations have an option to either acquire analytics skill in-house or leverage third party analytics service providers who excel in generating data-driven insights. The intent of this paper is to identify the key enablers for analytics service providers and develop a contextual model to measure the performance of analytics services providers. Around sixteen enablers were identified from the literature review. These enablers were subject to a hybrid analysis technique comprising of FAHP and ISM to identify the most relevant enablers and develop a contextual relationship between these enablers. These findings were verified by a group of business analytics experts for their relevance and validity. The enablers identified by this analysis are set to have the maximum impact on the performance of analytics service providers.

Keywords: Analytics outsourcing, Fuzzy AHP, Hybrid analysis, ISM, Success factors.

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