Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




A Smart Approach Laundry Management System: A Tool to Integrate for Next Generation Life Style

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 11 Issue 1

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Rohit Rastogi, Manvi Tyagi, Pranav and Pranjal Vaidywan | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of CSE, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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This research work represents an online working website of laundry containing a management system and payment gateway. Many of the laundry firms don’t have a proper management system to store the records, which include many problems such as, mixing up customer’s clothes or sometimes losing up the record register. This system helps the users to have to keep track of their requests/orders, they can also set drop off time at their convenience. Two login portals will be there one for admin and one for users. User portal will be used by the customers to make orders whereas from the admin portal admin can see all the users’ information and the status of the orders. Rates of laundry can be changed by the admin from the admin portal according to market price, occasionally the discounts/offers will also be provided. As the payment gateway is also included on the website customers can use that for making payments. Each customer is assigned with a unique ID on registration to avoid contrasting information and their rest information is kept safe. The technical skills include PHP/NodeJS, mongoDB/MySQL, Python, HTML, CSS & JavaScript. This solution solves many problems and brings ease to operating the business. All the customers’ information is managed properly as well as their service requests/orders and record of the orders can never be lost. The design of the website is also unique and has a user friendly interface. Therefore, it will also be fun for the users to interact with the website and providers of the service have an opportunity to run the business smoothly.

Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Database, HTML, Interface, Management, MongoDB, Python, SQL.

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