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Access and Use of Electronic Information Resources by Technical Staff at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization in Nairobi County

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Zachary K. Chepukaka | Author(s) Affiliation: MLIS, BA, Kenyatta Univ., PG Dip (Makerere), Institute for Meteorological Training & Research, Kenya
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Purpose: This study investigated access and use of electronic information resources by technical staff at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) in Nairobi County to enable KALRO management make informed decisions on current and future investment in electronic information products and services that meet the needs of technical staff. Design/Methodology/Approach: A descriptive research design based on both qualitative and quantitative approaches was adopted with a survey as the main research method. Out of a population of 81, Simple random stratified sampling technique was used to sample 70 research scientists, information workers, ICT personnel, and other technical staff. A questionnaire was used as the primary instrument for data collection supplemented by interview. Quantitative data was analyzed by SPSS program to perform descriptive statistics. Findings: Findings revealed all respondents were aware of electronic resources at KALRO and on the internet. Majority accessed these resources from office computers on a daily basis through the Internet and KALRO Local Area Network/Intranet. Whereas, they relied on multiple tools to discover and utilize digital information, majority used search engines and KALRO electronic repository. E-resources were used for research and publishing in scholarly journals. Respondents mainly patronised The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) and Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) databases. Poor internet connectivity was identified as the main challenge in accessing e-resources. Implication: This study has implications on current and future investment in electronic information products and services that meet the needs of technical staff at KALRO and similar research institutions in Africa. Originality/Value: It was recommended KALRO formulates and implements a policy framework to guide digital information landscape, improves internet connectivity, enhances ICT infrastructures, trains users and information workers on information retrieval skills and promotes available resources.

Keywords: Electronic resources, Kenya agricultural and livestock research organization, KALRO, Electronic information, Digital agricultural information, Electronic agriculture, E-resources, ICT resources.

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