Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




An Efficient and Expressive Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud for Data Security

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 9 Issue 1

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: V. Bhuvaneswari | Author(s) Affiliation: Seshachala Degree and P.G. College, Puttur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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Accessible encryption permits a cloud server to direct catchphrase search over encoded information for the benefit of the information clients without learning the basic plaintexts. In any case, most existing accessible encryption conspires just help single or conjunctive watchword search, while a couple of different plans that can perform an expressive catchphrase search are computationally wasteful since they are worked from bilinear pairings over the composite-request gatherings. Right now, propose an expressive open key accessible encryption plot in the prime-request gatherings, which permits catchphrase search arrangements (i.e., predicates, get to structures) to be communicated in conjunctive, disjunctive or any monotonic Boolean recipes and accomplishes huge execution improvement over existing plans. We officially characterize its security and demonstrate that it is specifically secure in the standard model. Additionally, we execute the proposed plot utilizing a fast prototyping device called Charm and direct a few examinations to assess its execution. The outcomes show that our plan is substantially more proficient than the ones worked over the composite-request gatherings [1, 2].

Keywords: Catchphrase, Computationally, Encryption, Learning, Secure.

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