Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




An Exploration of High School Teachers Information Literacy in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: G. Tachie-Donkor, P. S. Dadzie | Author(s) Affiliation: Junior Assistant Librarian, Sam Jonah Library, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
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The concept of information literacy has gained roots in many developed countries. In developing countries and for that matter Ghana, the concept is new and evolving at a slower pace. The educational system in Ghana has not integrated information literacy skills into its educational system thus both pre-tertiary and tertiary institutions. Due to this, information literacy skill is not a taught subject in most educational institutions. Research Problem: Ghanaian second cycle institutions do not factor information literacy skills in any of their continuous professional training for teachers. For that matter, most teachers are challenged in the use of information literacy skills in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Purpose: this study therefore set out to explore how teachers use information literacy skills as an opportunity to stay abreast with the rapid technological changes associated with the use of diverse information resources for teaching. In view of these, the study investigated and focused on determining the level of awareness of information literacy skills of teachers, ascertain the extent of training in information literacy skills for teachers, determine the kind of strategies teachers employed in using different information resources for teaching and also to determine some barriers that militate against the development of information literacy among teachers. Methodology/approach: mixed method approach was used for the study. Quantitative and qualitative instruments and observations were used to collect data from the teachers and head teachers respectively. Finding: the study provided that most of the teachers had information needs, they were aware of the gaps that existed in their subject areas and used diverse information resources available to them to fill these gaps. Teachers had a high preference for internet sources to keep abreast with information in their subject areas and also update their teaching notes. It was also evident that no training was organized for teachers in IL. However, it was found out that teachers possessed moderate levels of IL skills and employed various strategies to find information from the various sources available to them. Inadequate resources were a major challenge that affected IL development among teachers. Originality/value: the study adds up to the information literacy skills of high school teachers and how they exploit the opportunities in information literacy to support the teaching and learning activities in the classroom.

Keywords: Cape coast metropolis, Ghana, Information literacy skills, Senior high school teachers.

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