Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Digital Crime Reporting System by using PHP

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 10 Issue 1

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: P. Amudhavalli, Sudha Rajesh and Naseeruddin J. N. | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Comp. Application, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Inst. of Scie. and Tech., Vandalur, Chennai.
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The “Digital Crime Reporting System” is a website based on php scripting language for online crime reporting and for managing crime records in a computerized way. Here in this website the registration of a person is earlier than login is must if he/she wants to report a complaint or to report an incident related to crime so that the authentication of the user login will be done by the administrator in the website to allow the user to file the complaint. Thus the police will received the complaint and they can reply a message about the complaint status to the user. Officers can use this system to manage a distinctive crime and to manage the manual works which is carried out in the police department. The police login id and password will receive directly from the admin. The modules like news feed, missing peoples, safety tips and the list of most wanted criminals are available in the website which can be seen without logging in of the user. So this system helps the officer to discover the issues in the town/city without actually the people coming into the police station. The digital crime reporting system will manage activities (like complaint registration, updating information, searching a particular crime report) all these activity will save time and manpower. So this system helps the officer to discover the issues in the town/city without actually the people coming into the police station.

Keywords: Bootstrap, Crime reporting system, FIR, php.

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