Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




ICT Related Library Services Verses the Human Capital of Library Staff in Three Public Universities in Ghana

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 9 Issue 2

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Harriet Fosua Attafuah, Isaac Eliot Nyieku and Gloria Tachie-Donkor | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Librarian, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani.
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ICT has transformed the traditional concept of libraries from a store house of books to an intellectual information centre by facilitating global access to information. Thus, most library services are transforming from the manual system to a technologically driven system. As a result, many academic libraries have automated their house keeping functions; thereby using ICT tools to deliver web based services. This paper sought to examine the ICT capacity of library staff at the University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast and the University of Energy and Natural Resources Libraries. The study used questionnaires and interviews to solicit for responses from respondents. The findings of the study revealed that, staff from these institutions are being prepared to face the ICT world since most of them were competent in the use ICT to deliver ICT related services. However, they needed more training in order to keep abreast in delivering ICT services since ICT services in libraries is still an evolving phenomenon. It was also brought to light that despite the library staff eagerness to be trained, they were however constrained by some challenges such as lack of funds, permissions to undertake trainings not granted by superiors and lack of the ICT facilities to work with. It was however recommended that, funds for training should be provided by the management of the institutions to enable staff undertake training programmes. Adequate funds must be made available by management of institutions towards the development of their library’s ICT infrastructure. Also, opportunities should be given to senior staff of libraries to partake in seminars, workshops and conferences as a means to build their capacity in ICT, and finally, in-house training programmes on ICT must be frequently organised for library staff to enable them adapt to the constantly changing technological trends.

Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT), Natural resources libraries, Technologically-driven system.

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