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Members Perception on Information Professional Associations: The Case of Kenya Library Association and Kenya Association of Archivists and Records Managers

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Sherry Odari, Ben Namande, Richard Otieno and Grace Wangui | Author(s) Affiliation: Kirinyaga University, Kerugoya, Kenya.
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Purpose: This study assessed Kenya Library Association (KLA) and Kenya Association of Records Managers’ and Archivists (KARMA) members’ perceptions on the performance of their professional associations’ with a view to determining members’ level of participation in programmes/activities and challenges, if any. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used descriptive survey design to collect data from members and get their opinions, suggestions, and attitude about the KLA and KARMA using questionnaires and face-to-face interview. The study used purposeful sampling techniques to sample 80 KLA and 44 KARMA members out of a population of a population of 102 and 54, respectively. A pilot study of 10 respondents at the Association of Government Librarians (AGL) helped refine research instruments. Collected data was cleaned, coded and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPPS) program to perform descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and frequency tables. Findings: Findings showed that the majority of respondents’ agreed that the associations contribute immensely to the development of the information profession in Kenya. However, the study revealed 58 (60.4%) were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the programmes and activities of KLA and KARMA; they were not sure if the programmes met their expectations. The majority 72 (75%) were not involved in their associations programmes while 24 (25%) stated that they were involved. When asked to explain the response given, most of those who stated that they were not involved cited arbitrary decisions by the executive board and even misuse of resources by some officials. Implication: This study has implications on the various programmes offered by KLA, KARMA and other information science professional organizations and how they are perceived by members. Article can be accessed online at Originality/Value: It was recommended that KLA and KARMA enhance members’ participation in decision making; increase enrolment of new members; improve communication from the secretariat and explore ways of cessation of in-house rivalry and in-fighting among officials.


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