Friday, 20 Sep, 2024




Smart IT Technologies of the Current Century

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Shweta Ohri | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept of Information Technology, Jagannath International Mgt School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, India.
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As we know that the emerging IT technologies are essential for our day to day live. During the last few decades we have seen a great leaps in IT technologies which are all innovations that revolution the way we live and work. In this paper we cover those emerging, smart and revolutionary technologies. The paper also cover a broad range of IT areas, from software development to network management.

Keywords: Mobile App Development, Business Intelligence, Data Mining and Predictive Analytics, Cloud Computing, Configuration Management, Software Security Assurance, Virtualization, Network Optimization

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