Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Assessing the Impact of Mission Shakti on Women Entrepreneurship through Financial Inclusion: A Study in the Context of Odisha

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 13 Issue 4

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Satyaranjan Garu, Srinibash Dash | Author(s) Affiliation: School of Commerce, Gangadhar Meher University, Odisha, India.
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The study seeks to assess the relationship between financial inclusion and women entrepreneurship in the context of Mission Shakti in Odisha. It aims to evaluate the impact of Mission Shakti on women entrepreneurship. The study employs empirical techniques and utilises statistical tools, such as Structural Equation Model, to analyse the collected data. Statistical software like AMOS, SPSS and Excel is being utilised. The primary data is gathered from 499 respondents. The study explores three key constructs: Financial Inclusion, Women Entrepreneurship and Mission Shakti, using Exploratory Factor Analysis. The results of the measurement model indicate that all constructs meet the criteria for validity and reliability. Furthermore, the study finds a significant positive impact of Mission Shakti on women entrepreneurship. This research contributes to the existing knowledge in the field of financial inclusion, Mission Shakti and women entrepreneurship through multivariate analysis. The study emphasises the practical implications of employing modern statistical techniques and primary data for future research in the areas of financial inclusion, Mission Shakti and women entrepreneurship.

Keywords: Mission Shakti, Financial Inclusion, Women Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, SHGs

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