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Digital Aspects of Banking Progress and Way Forward with Special Reference to a Rural Areas in Andhra Pradesh

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 10 Issue 3

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: N. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay Bhayani, P . Venkateswara Rao, Govinda Rajan | Author(s) Affiliation: Professor of Finance, KL Business School, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Andhra Pradesh.
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The banking industry has changed drastically over the years and nowadays, a majority of customers prefer to conduct basic financial transactions online, leading to the popularity of digital banking. Digital banking offers more convenience, for both the banks and its customers. While customers can save time and enjoy hassle-free convenient banking transactions that can be conducted on-the-go, banks save money on physical infrastructure and hiring costs by moving a part of their transactions online. Today, most banks with physical branches also offer online banking or Internet banking, which enables customers to access their account information online, and also make transfers or set up automatic payments. A digital bank takes the transition to the Internet a step forward, by eliminating the need for physical branches completely. A recent innovation in the Indian banking industry, the formation of Small Finance Banks (SFBs) and Payment Banks, has started to penetrate the rural areas, to satisfy people who did not have access to financial services earlier. The paper attempts to know how far the rural and urban population are influenced by digital banking, level of customer satisfaction in digital banking, and further progress in digital banking. The study was conducted in Gudivada, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, with a sample size of 300, both from urban (150) and rural (150) areas. Through a structured questionnaire data were collected by following a convenient quota sampling. It is statistically proved that people are satisfied with digital banking and expect a separate centre for grievance settlement, thereby improving customer satisfaction and leading to the attainment of a Digital India.

Keywords: Digital Payment, Networking, Internet Banking, Customer Satisfaction, Safety Measures

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