Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Human Resource Disclosure Practices in Indian Corporate Sector

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 10 Issue 4

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Kirti Aggarwal | Author(s) Affiliation: Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India.
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In the present business scenario, Human Resource (HR) is considered the most valuable and strategic asset of the organisation. The knowledge and skills possessed by the employees is the real capital for the organisations, especially in a knowledge-based economy. Hence, disclosure of such an important asset is crucial for the success of the organisations. Considering the importance of disclosure of HR, the objective of the present research paper is to know the extent of HR disclosure practices of selected Indian listed companies and also to investigate the significant variations in HR disclosure practices across the various industries in the Indian corporate sector. In terms of research methodology, descriptive statistics is used for knowing the extent of HR disclosure and the Kruskal-Wallis test is used to investigate the significant variations in HR disclosure practices across various industries in the Indian corporate sector. The findings of the paper showed that the miscellaneous sector discloses the most HR information in their annual reports. Further, results reveal that there are significant variations in HR disclosure practices across various industries in the Indian corporate sector. There are some managerial implications of the study, like knowing which industry discloses the most HR information. On the basis of this information, investors analyse only that industry for their investment purposes. By disclosing more information, managers increase the transparency of the company’s activities and build a positive image in the mind of all the stakeholders. Employees or high calibre employees are attracted towards those industries that do more for their employees; this information is known only through greater HR disclosure by the companies.

Keywords: Human Resource Disclosure, Annual Report, Content Analysis, Industries, Human Resource Disclosure Index, Indian Corporate Sector

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