Impact of Merger Announcements on Stock Returns of Acquiring Firms: Evidence from India
Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Pinky Mall, Kapil Gupta |
Author(s) Affiliation: Doctoral Student, Dept. of Mgt., I.K. Gujral Punjab Tech. Univ., Kapurthala, Punjab, India.
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Present study examines the impact of merger events on stock returns of acquiring firms. The sample size is composed of 428 merger events that took place during 2008 to 2015 other than financial sector and agricultural mergers. Event study methodology has been applied by using seventeen days event window i.e. -8 to +8 days stock returns. Results indicate that merger deals do not bring any abnormal changes in stock returns pre and post event date, which implies that traders are not able to gain abnormal returns in pre-post event period. These findings are consistent with Bradley et al., (1988); Servaes, (1991); Mulherin and Boone, (2000), Khan (2011), Kemal (2011), Khanal et al. (2014). The findings obtained from this research may be helpful for researchers, fund managers, market regulators, investment managers etc.
Keywords: Merger, Acquisition, Stock Return, Event Study Analysis, Average Abnormal Return, Cumulative Average Abnormal Return
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