Sunday, 22 Dec, 2024




India’s Inclusive Growth: Issues and Challenges

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 1 Issue 4

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: K. Ramanadh, V. Devender, P. Vijaya Lakshmi | Author(s) Affiliation: 1&3- Swarna Bharathi Institute of Management Science, Khammam; 2-HOD,MBA-KITS, Khammam
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Economic growth refl ects in human development and is veritable only when the growth is qualitative. Inclusive growth is a synonym for equity and equality. Performance in external sector and country’s inclusive growth are in-separable in a globalised economy. Though all economic activities may not receive equal returns in the domestic and external sectors, policy initiatives and voluntary commitment of the affl uent organizations can help realizing inclusive growth through helping development in the other sectors of economy. The feature of Indian economy reveals greater dependence on primary sector that is relatively performing low, is one of the hurdles for inclusive growth. Manufacturing sector has ever increasing opportunities in the domestic sector provided the effi ciency in the sector improved to meet the cost and quality standards in international markets. This article identifi es some of the differences in growth across the economic sectors, mentions relative strengths and weaknesses of each economic sector with reference to their performance in global trade and suggests measures for balanced growth.

Keywords: Inclusive Growth, Sector-wise Performance, Issues and Challenges

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