Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Investors Perception Towards the Initial Public Offering of Startup Companies

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 13 Issue 3

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Bharathi B, Gopala K R | Author(s) Affiliation: Srimad Andavan Arts & Science College, Trichy Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, In
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The study examines the level of awareness among the investors about startup IPOs and analyses the relationship between independent variables such as size and purpose of IPO, company profile, financial performance, quality management and sector performance and investment decision in startup IPO which is the dependent variable. The research is conducted majorly using primary data collected from 360 two respondents across the state of Karnataka. The data so collected is analysed using the SPSS software. The statistical tools like multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis are used to analyse the data and hypothesis are tested using ANOVA. Five hypotheses were framed and tested to verify the effect of five independent variables on dependent variable. The outcome of the study reveals that, majority of the investors have awareness about the startup IPOs and size and purpose of IPO, company profile, financial performance, quality management and sector performance have positive relationship with dependent variable and these factors have highly considerable impact on investment decision in startup IPO in Indian stock market. This study concludes that 96.1% of the investment decision in startup IPO is influenced by the sector performance, financial performance, size & purpose of IPO, quality management and company profile.


Keywords: Investors Perception, Initial Public Offering, Startups, Investment Decision

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