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IPR Trend in India: Empirical Evidence for a Self-Reliant Mission

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 11 Issue 1

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: K. Venkateswaran, Pooja S. Bhat | Author(s) Affiliation: Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
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Innovation is an engine for economic growth in the modern technological age and knowledge-centric economy. However, protecting the rights of innovators and rewarding them legally is a major constraint due to a lot of procedural hurdles and time consuming processes. IPR boosts the economic growth and development of the nation, which in turn may propel the AATMANIRBHAR movement of India. In this background, it was deemed necessary to present the status and trends of Indian patents and patentees in recent times. The present research work would provide a road map for future self-reliant Indian economic development. Secondary data for the last decade relating to IPR was collected from websites, research papers, journals, books, newsletters, and the WIPO website. It is recommended that the legal hassles involved in obtaining IPR and other paperwork may be excluded with a view to making patenting much easier for the beneficiaries.

Keywords: IPR, Self-Reliance, Filing, Grants, Patentees, Trends, Growth Rate, Garret Ranking, Factor Analysis

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