Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Measuring Age-wise Perception of Different Beneficiaries Regarding Access to Financial Services through Cooperative Banks

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Neetu Andotra, Tarsem Lal | Author(s) Affiliation: P.G. Dept. of Commerce, University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashimr, India
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The present study is undertaken to measure empirically the age-wise perception of different respondents regarding access to financial services through cooperative banks. In order to fulfill the objectives of the study, the primary data are collected personally from beneficiaries of the four cooperative banks covered under financial inclusion drive of RBI operating in Jammu region viz. The Citizen Cooperative Bank, The Jammu Central Cooperative Bank, Devika Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd., and Women Cooperative Credit Bank. The responses are collected using a self-developed questionnaire sub-divided into socio-economic variables and specific information regarding access to financial services. For comparison, responses from beneficiaries of cooperative banks operating in neighbouring tehsils of Himachal Pradesh and beneficiaries of cooperative banks from the state of Punjab are collected. The findings of the study reveal that there exists no significant difference between the perceptions of beneficiaries belonging to different age groups regarding the access to financial services through cooperative banks.

Keywords: Financial Services, Cooperative Banks, Access, Perception, Financial Inclusion, RBI

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