Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Gender Equality and Entrepreneurship Education of Kwara State Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Michael Olarewaju Ogundele | Author(s) Affiliation: National Teachers’ Institute, Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria
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This study investigated the relationship between gender equality and entrepreneurship education development of Kwara State Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria. The study adopted both correlation and comparative research survey types. Stratified random sampling techniques was used to select 250 respondents for the vocational, technical, business education, home science, economics, fine and applied arts, and computer science departments. The respondents however comprised of heads of department, lecturers, and students of the selected departments. Five research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Gender equality and entrepreneurship education questionnaire (QEECQ) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by the experts. Reliability index of .72 was obtained for the analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation statistics and t-test statistics and tested at .05 significance level. The findings however revealed that the spirit of gender equality enhances entrepreneurship education development in Kwara state tertiary institutions, mindless of gender bias. It is also concluded that no significant difference exists in the entrepreneurship mindset of both males and females students. The study however shows that the students in Kwara state tertiary institutions choose the skills of their interest mindless of gender differences. It was however recommended that the school administrators, private sectors, national and international agencies, and well meaning for Nigerian citizens should come to the aid of tertiary institutions in the supply of entrepreneurship education equipment that can be used for the training of students without gender bias. For doing so, entrepreneurship education development will be adequately enhanced in tertiary institutions.

Keywords: Gender Equality, Entrepreneurship Education, and Tertiary Institutions.

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