Wednesday, 05 Feb, 2025




How Entrepreneurial are the Business Students- Bangladesh Perspective

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Shakila Yasmin | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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This paper investigates the entrepreneurial propensity (EP) of business students. EP is a concept used to represent the likelihood that a person will eventually be an entrepreneur or not, whether he or she will demonstrate the characteristics of entrepreneurs in his/her work or profession. Through literature review, the paper has created a model of EP involving its construct variables and some demographic variables that influence EP and its constructs. Based on a survey of evening MBA students in Bangladesh, it has been found that business students have high EP. But female students significantly lag in EP from their male counterparts. The same is true for students who have dependents. Economies, organizations and schools promoting entrepreneurship can use aggregate EP as a measure of their performance. The identification of the construct variables and their measures will help trainers and educators promoting entrepreneurship in identifying areas to emphasize.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Propensity, Construct Variables and Demographics

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