Monday, 17 Feb, 2025




Role of Government Support System in Promoting Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDPs) in J&K: An Empirical Study

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management

Volume 9 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Farzana Gulzar, Bilal Ahmad Dar, Aiman Fayaz | Author(s) Affiliation: Sr. Assistant Prof., Dept. of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
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The experiences over the last few decades both in India and abroad in the field of entrepreneurship growth have clearly shown that self-employment, income ventures with a fair degree of success are possible through planned efforts. This requires specialized competencies on the part of promotional change agents, which can be developed through training intervention. Awareness about competencies may help all those involved in promoting income generation and self-employment through planning and organizing such efforts more effectively. This not only will help them in motivating the potential entrepreneurs to take up entrepreneurial ventures but also help in the sustenance of newly formed enterprises. The need for proper training in this regard has become quite crucial on account of the fast-changing economic environment. It is also essential to promote entrepreneurship, develop small business, offer innovative training packages for different target groups, including entrepreneurs, trainers, promoters, development functionaries, and to maintain their effectiveness. The training programs of the institutes are so designed as to meet the specific training requirements of each target group. The present study focuses on the practices of entrepreneurship development in Jammu and Kashmir. To facilitate the determination of existing practices of entrepreneurship development, data were collected with the help of an interview schedule. The required information was also collected by personal visits to various training institutions and organizations.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship Development, Employment, Jammu and Kashmir Government-Entrepreneurship

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