Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025




The Impact of Work-Related Factors on Satisfaction and Commitment of the Employee in the Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management

Volume 9 Issue 3

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Serena Aktar | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Prof. of Mgt., Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business, Northern Univ.
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The present study adopted a quantitative research approach by nature. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of work-related factors on the satisfaction and commitment of the employee in the insurance companies in Bangladesh. Besides, it is aimed at exploring to what extent these employees were satisfied and committed to their organization with different dimensions of work-related factors. Although, this is an empirical study, both primary and secondary data have been required. Books, published journals have been used as the sources of secondary data, and questionnaires have been used as the tools for collecting the primary data from the employees of insurance companies in Bangladesh. About 300 questionnaires were distributed; 260 questionnaires statistically usable questionnaires were received. Stepwise descriptive statistics, multiple regression analyses were used to confirm the research hypotheses. The findings of the study indicated that employees’ job security and training & development are the most influential factor in creating job satisfaction. But training and development have a negative influence on the organisational continuance commitment in the insurance companies of Bangladesh. It is suggested in this study that rigorous training and development shall be focused on the effective functioning of the insurance companies.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Commitment, Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Normative Commitment, Work-Related Factors

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