Monday, 28 Oct, 2024




AIoT Based Smart Waste Management System

Journal of Network and Information Security

Volume 12 Issue 2

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Diya Syam, Kiran K. Anish, Nitha Eldho, Shanima V. S. and Sujith Kumar P. S. | Author(s) Affiliation: Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Mulavoor, Kerala, India.
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Nowadays waste generated by every household is increasing drastically. So, we need a smarter way for collecting and managing the waste in an efficient manner. This model proposes an AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) aided smart waste management system that leverages various sensors to monitor the level and weight of waste within bins. Upon reaching a predefined threshold, the system triggers an alert to relevant authorities, facilitating timely intervention and efficient waste management strategies. The primary objective of this project is to develop a sophisticated trash bin integrated with sensors and a mobile application. The application serves as a comprehensive platform for waste collection management, enabling users to track collection schedules, automatically segregate plastic waste, and even facilitate payment for garbage disposal services. Each bin is assigned a unique identifier for authorities to monitor its location and take necessary actions. By seamlessly transmitting sensor data to the designated app, this project holds the potential to support initiatives such as Haritha Karma Sena, an endeavor spearheaded by Kudumbasree, thereby streamlining their operations and contributing to a more sustainable waste management ecosystem.

Keywords: AI, IoT, Image processing, ML, Segregation, Waste management

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