Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




“Meal consumption pattern and health status of adults taking meal before and after sunset.”

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2007
Author(s) Name: Dr. Manju Patni, Dr. Sonia Gupta, Shipra Srivastava
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Food is that eatable which has the potential to provide life to the living organism. All those food products that we use in the form of food are called eatables. Human being needs food for following reasons:- Metabolism, Prevention of diseases, for source of energy and for mental stability.Food plays an important role in our life. According to three meals a day, we take one thousand meals in one year. Food can be defined as anything solid or liquid, which when swallowed, digested and assimilated in the body, keeps it well. The meal taken by each individual differs from one another and determines their different nutritional status.

We can define Nutritional Status as, “Nutritional Status is the condition of health of an individual as influenced by the utilization of nutrients in his body”. Many factors affect nutritional status, like food habits, blind faith, customs & traditions etc. This study accomplished through the food pattern of people of Jain dharma, who don’t eat at night (Ratribhojana Tyagi) and people who take meal in night, and its effect on the health status of adults.

Keywords: Meal, Consumption pattern

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