Published: 2007
Author(s) Name: Dr. Sampad Kumar Swain
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The paper brings fourth the concept of destination marketing that has made a paradigm shift in the international tourism scenario. Destination marketing is an innovative strategy to get an edge over other competitive destinations. This paper conspicuously elucidates the concept of destination promoted for tourism promotion and attempts to integrate several well- defined models for strategic marketing and management of tourist destinations. It offers an outline of some fitting techniques extensively implemented by several state governments in India. The paper also clarifies that marketing of tourist destinations should tend to harmonize the strategic objectives of all stakeholders and the sustainability of local resources. Destinations need to set apart their products by conducting cutting edge research in order to display the unique value and expand partnerships between the public and private sector at different levels of destination management in a way that induce the delivery mechanism very effective and prompt. Furthermore, the advancement of new affordable technologies more particularly the web-based promotional measures augments competitiveness of destinations by increasing their visibility, reducing costs and enhancing local co-operation. Destination marketing is conceived to be a relevant step forward in the direction of ensuring optimization of tourism impacts and the achievement of the strategic objectives for all stakeholders. Destination marketing organizations should be formed in the line of western business model to guard the greater interest of destinations and stakeholders associated directly and indirectly in the promotion and development of destinations in India.
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