Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




A Study on Motivation of Final Year BHM Students of Bangalore University To Choose a Career in Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Prof. J.P. Prasannakumar , Dr. Shaji Thomas
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Being one of the largest employers, Hospitality and Tourism industry attracts a large number of final year students who graduate in Hotel Management Programmes from various colleges across India. It is of prime importance for the managers to understand the motivational constructs of these students who will become employees in the hospitality and tourism industry, to motivate them to work in their properties and encourage them to perform their jobs efficiently, as well as to retain them. The study revealed that “Interest in the profession” followed by “the thought of becoming a manager in a hotel one day” and “good pay” are the most important factor, which influenced them to choose a career in the hospitality and tourism industry. The study also identified “Communication between employees and supervisors/ managers”, Reward of personal skills and productivity”, “Benefit programmes” as the most effective motivational techniques in improving personal motivation for Final Year BHM students. “Promotion”, “High Pay”, “Recognition” were considered as the most important expectations of the final year BHM students toward the rewards for good job performance/ productivity Key Words: Hospitality industry, Motivation, Incentive programme, Pay, Equitable pay, Fringe benefits, Flexible work hours programme, working conditions

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